BOOMšŸ”„Gravis Finance Ambassador Program is Live!

5 min readNov 15, 2021


Announcing 2-level rewards system:

1ļøāƒ£Chosen ambassadors that follow the Code of Gravis Finance ambassadors honor (Rules of participation)

Will get:

šŸŒš a possibility to participate in ambassadors dedicated giveaways biweekly

šŸŒš guaranteed place in the white list!

2ļøāƒ£Biggest ambassadors

Will get:

šŸŒšRewards from 1ļøāƒ£

šŸŒšGRVS allocation

The Gravis Finance team is going to share with 9 Captainā€™s Mates (three from three varieties) among our crazy ambassadors! Just during the 2 weeks first round!

šŸ¦øšŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø3 Jim cards

šŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸŽ¤3 Sarah Corner cards

šŸ§Ÿā€ā™‚ļø3 Darius Caesil cards

Thanks to biweekly ambassadors only giveaways our ambassadors will be the first to access new NFT characters (about which you do not yet know)

Andā€¦.. BOOM! Each ambassador, yes we really mean each ambassador, that will be committed to his role, is guaranteed to get a place on the whitelist!

Captainā€™s Mate and place in the whitelist just for publicly demonstrating your feelings to Gravis FinancešŸ¤Ŗ How does it sound?

Buuut wait, apart from that, we are going to choose 10 of the most dedicated influencers with the biggest spheres of influence that will receive GRVS allocation, the size of which will be proportional to the value you bring to the Gravis Finance community.

Intrigued? Letā€™s move on!


Letā€™s get acquainted with Captain`s Mates that could become yours just in 2 weeks

While Captains are too busy with matters of galactic scale, Captain`s Mates have lots of motivation to become similar to them, both in mission, skills, andā€¦. PricešŸ™ƒ

So if you understand all the power of our Captain, you should realize how useful can be those whom they have chosen as their mates and whom they have personally trained.

With Captain`s Mates, you will receive an opportunity to:

  • Complete missions and collect GRVS
  • Farm NFTs
  • Watch how the price of Captain`s Mates goes up

Meet Jim

Meet Sarah Corner

Meet Darius Caesil

Do you want one of them to become yours? Fill up the form and Captain`s mate will become your mate.

Who do we see as a Gravis Finance ambassador?

  1. Those who have already caught the wave of investing with Gravis Finance and are eager to educate the next generation of Gravis Financers
  2. Those who are ready to explore Gravis Finance and help us grow rapidly

Do we have certain criteria for ambassador selection?

Nope, we wonā€™t be numbers-oriented, but we would like our brand to be in the proper hands, so as weā€™ve already said our ā€œinspectorsā€ are going to be really patient in the selection of those who will present Gravis Finance to the world :)

How will your impact on the Gravis Finance community be measured?

We sold our first NFT collection with a 150k valuation with 1000 community members, so we could not evaluate the effect by only numbers of new Gravis Financiers that you infected with love to Gravis.

But surely, we wouldnā€™t be able to, we will not be able to properly evaluate your efforts if we didnā€™t know about your publications. So currently we are working on the tracking system. Coming soonā€¦

Roles and Responsibilities of Gravis Financers

  1. Find out crazy APR generation shames and share them with the community
  2. Educate the crypto community on how to start their Gravis Finance way and make it incredibly profitable
  3. Work closely with the Gravis Finance team and share your own and community initiatives
  4. Grow the ambassador board of Gravis Finance by introducing our ecosystem to other KOLs

Attentionā—ļø If you are ready to become even closer with the Gravis Finance team and community, we are keen on seeing you as a community manager of Gravis Finance! Just let us know about it while feeling the application form.

When will you feel the smell of reward?

We are going to announce our ambassadors by the 21th of November!

The first ā€œPack of Rewardsā€, which will include 10 Captainā€™s Mates and guaranteed places in the whitelist, will be distributed on ( we will announce soon ) between those who followed the rules of the code of Gravis Finance ambassadors honor:)

How will ā€œThe Biggestā€ Gravis Finance ambassadors be rewarded?

After closing our application for participation in the ambassador program, we are going to choose 10 influencers with the biggest number of followers/subscribers and reach them out in order to discuss personal terms of receiving allocation.

How to get started?

1. Create and post a piece of content about Gravis Finance (tweet/post/YT video) that will reflect your attitude to Gravis Finance

2. Make sure that you are crazy enough to become Gravis Finance ambassador and share common values with Gravis community

3. Fill in the form

4. Get the ball rolling :)

Gravis Finance team is f*cking intrigued. This move allows us to end the Gravis Finance ā€œchildhood periodā€ and expand from our cozy community worldwide.

Suppose that we are going to update the document with your applications every 5 minutes šŸŒš

Letā€™s goooooo!

Code of Gravis Finance ambassadors honor

If you are Twitter focused

Post at least 5 tweets a week for Twitter influencers. Stay creative, simply retweeting from Gravis Finance isnā€™t smth we are looking for

If you are YT/Twitter focused

Post a piece of content about Gravis Finance at least 2 times a week for YT and TikTok influencers. Again, letā€™s avoid being addy. Just stay yourself

Communicate with that audience, who became interested in the project after the publication of your content unit

Share only true and reliable information about Gravis Finance

We donā€™t want you to cheat your audience and tell about Gravis if you donā€™t feel the taste of investing with Gravis. That is why You have to be a Gravis Finance investor or become the ambassador during 2 weeks of the ambassador program.

Unfortunately, there is no standard metric to evaluate

  • We canā€™t predict everything for now on, so the Code of Gravis Finance ambassadors honor will be finalized till the 16th of November together with announcements of our ambassadors. In order to be totally clear, we are going to conduct a poll in our Telegram community and verify the conditions with you.


What is Gravis Finance about?

Gravis.Finance is a project about the community. Therefore, we will be over the moon to find ambassadors that are going to treat our community just the same as Gravis Finance founders or the most sincere fans.

Together we are able to make the whole crypto world stop in order to buy one more Gravis captainšŸ˜

Spoiler: as you know, the Gravis Finance team is a bit crazy (or not a bit). We were working hard so far so that currently we could share the places in the whitelist and Captainā€™s Mates.

To cut a long story short, we are ready to find 25 hours in a day and 8 days in a week in order to look through all the publications done by our ambassadors manually and understand who seems to be a real ambassador and who is just a freebie lover.




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