Evervoid v2: Release Explained

Gravis Finance ecosystem
4 min readOct 13, 2021



The ship equipment will go live in the second major release of Gravis Finance’s Evervoid NFT game. There will be a total of 6 different types of equipment available, each providing a randomized bonus to one or both of the two ship stats: the amount of GRVX a ship can collect, and the time it takes a ship to collect this amount. We will provide more detailed info and numbers closer to the release date.


The ship equipment can be obtained from a special bunch of loot boxes on the Buy Loot Boxes page in the same way as regular ship loot boxes.


Also, the ship equipment can be crafted on the special Equipment Crafting page. The resource needed to craft a piece of equipment is metal. At this stage, no additional items or NFTs are required to do this. So be sure to gather enough before this mechanics goes live.

Equipment crafting will be available for everyone without restrictions. Crafted equipment can be freely traded on Gmart NFT marketplace.

Ship skins

Besides the time and GRVX amount boosting equipment, you can adorn your ship with neat-looking skin. Some skins are just recolored versions, but others are true masterpieces that change not only the look but the mood of the ship as well. Of course, those skins will be of greater rarity.

The ship skins will be available on the special Skin Loot boxes page. Skins can also be freely traded on OpenSea or Gmart.

Referral program

The first version of our Evervoid Referral Program will give rewards to referrers for either their referral’s first ship launch or for their referral’s first bought loot box.

The more referrals one referrer will have by the end of this program, the better the prizes. We will distribute metal, ships and ship parts, equipment, skins, and even First Mate NFTs as prizes. Also, there will be a very special and generous reward for the top-1 referrer. The program goes on for 1 month from the release date of Evervoid which will be announced later. After the first program we will announce the next one, so stay tuned. We will publish the exact referral counts and prizes for them a little later.

Research missions

A new ship type appears — Scouting Drones! They have no crew, they don’t necessarily expire after one flight, instead, they consume fuel. As a result of a scouting mission, a drone can bring back precious resources to its owner. For now, the concept of drone missions looks like this:

  • A number of players go in a scouting pool. A pool can be fast and small or large and lengthy.
  • After the pre-defined time for this pool, the results of a flight become available to all the participants.

Some of the drones unfortunately get lost in the process. Some of them find nothing of value.The rest of them find varying amounts of resources based on luck. The rewards are available for claim instantly after the flight is concluded.

The Fuel can be bought for GRVX tokens on a special page.

The chances to not lose a drone or get higher rewards can be altered by the drone’s level or by staking Gravis Finance LP tokens — each LP giving a different bonus.

The initial drones can be bought from special loot boxes or can be acquired as a reward for a special kind of scavenging mission.

The drone’s level can be increased by spending resources.

The more interesting pools will be available for the higher-level drones only.

Captains’ second mission

The second Captains’ mission will be to find lost First Mates.

After the successful completion of this mission, a Captain will not only acquire a new member of the team but will also increase their rank to III.

A mission can go awry and there is a chance that nothing will be found at all or some amount of resources will be acquired. In that case, you can repeat the mission.

The mission will require fuel to start each attempt.

Please note that this mission will also be available for players without Captain NFTs, but with reduced success chances.

Only one First Mate can be obtained per one wallet in this mission. But you can get more First Mates on the secondary market or through other ways.

We will provide more details about this mission’s mechanic closer to the release date.

Territory sale

Evervoid will introduce the concept of territories or lands for short.

A land is a place that you own and control. You can simply get a percentage of revenue that other players mine on your land, or you can build there infrastructure and increase your income, or even open up new game mechanics such as racing tracks, loot box manufactories, and more (coming in a separate release).

Additionally, we have in store one super-cool and super-secret mechanic designed for dealing with pirate invasions (yes, they are coming).

The first release of territories will include a Star Map with the indication of lands’ ownership and Territory Auction where the initial sale will take place



Gravis Finance ecosystem

🎮Gamified🕹 DeFi ecosystem. 🚀Evervoid Game🎴Smart NFT assests. Multichain. Cross-chain. 💸💸💸High profit yield farming .