Evervoid v1 Release Explained

Gravis Finance ecosystem
3 min readOct 11, 2021


On 19 October 2021 the Evervoid NFT game by Gravis Finance will go live.

It is the beginning of a captivating Space Saga with lots of characters, missions, worlds, high-tech ships and equipment, and many more. Every aspect of this game adds to the core concept — the Play-to-Earn model.

The first release consists of basic GRVX mining by ships and GRVS mining by Captains. During that phase, some gleams to the background lore will be revealed, like Captains’ motivations, etc. Also, the concept of additional in-game resources will be introduced.

GRVX mining

On the Hangar page of the Evervoid menu, you will find a Ship slot that you can click to choose the ship you want to launch on a GRVX mining mission. Each ship has a set amount of GRVX it can collect and a pre-defined time that it takes to complete the mining.

Please note that after the mining is complete the ship will not return to your wallet because of the space-time anomalies and imperfect ship-building technology (we will come up with a more decent explanation a little later).

However, you will gain some amount of Metal, our new in-game resource that can be later used to craft ship equipment and in many other upcoming game mechanics. So be sure to collect as much metal as you can 😃

Captains’ first mission

In addition to basic GRVX mining, you can send your captain along with the ship using the same interface. During that mission, each participating captain will acquire a GRVS warrant that can be later exchanged for GRVS tokens. Also, they will gain experience and achieve Rank II. This achievement is required for the next missions, so please don’t forget to sail off on that adventure.

Loot boxes for GRVX

Upon general launch, a new bunch of loot boxes will become available with no restrictions. Also, you will be able to buy these boxes for GRVX tokens as well as stablecoins.

More to come

In a couple of weeks after the initial release, we will launch a Leaderboard where you can see general mining statistics as well as your place in the list. First places will be regularly rewarded with ship loot boxes, ship equipment, free resources like metal etc.



Gravis Finance ecosystem

🎮Gamified🕹 DeFi ecosystem. 🚀Evervoid Game🎴Smart NFT assests. Multichain. Cross-chain. 💸💸💸High profit yield farming .